Support Brightway#
If you would like to support the Brightway project, there are several ways to do so.
Contribute to the Project#
Brightway is a community project, and we welcome contributions of all kinds. See the contributing guide for more information.
Départ de Sentier Membership#
Départ de Sentier (abbreviated DdS) is a Swiss non-profit association which supports open sustainability assessment and public engagement. DdS organizes conferences and code, supports teaching, and rewards open software development. Membership is 25 EUR/year for students. This money goes to servers and conference organization.
Cauldron is a Swiss company founded by the developer of the Brightway LCA ecosystem. It is building tools for sustainability assessment, with a focus on open science for life cycle assessment. It finances Brightway development with money from commercial support contracts and teaching. Clients include academic institutions such as TNO, TUM, and NTNU.