
We welcome contributions! If you have any questions, open a discussion or get in touch directly with the pulpo developers

Contributing to the code, examples or documentation#

If you want to contribute to the development our code with a new feature, want to share your pulpo-example or add to the documentation, please follow the GitHub contribution workflow (fork, branch, PR) to share your work.

Report bugs or errors#

Something is not working as expected? You have two options:

πŸ₯ˆ Report an error#

Please open a new issue in the pulpo repository, describing the error and where you found it. A member of the pulpo developer community will then take care of the issue, but it may take some time for your issue to be resolved.

πŸ₯‡ Fix an error yourself#

If you have a solution to the error, you can create a fork of the pulpo repository, make your changes and create a pull request. The developers will assess the changes and be eternally grateful!